MRI Cervical Spine – Normal

MRI CERVICAL SPINE – Normal Clinical Information:   Technique: Sagittal T1, T2 and TIRM weighted imaging was obtained through the cervical spine as well as axial T1 and T2 images. Oblique T2 weighted images were acquired through the neural exit foramina bilaterally. Findings: The vertebral bodies and discs are of normal height and signal with […]

MRI Brain – Dementia Screen

MRI DEMENTIA SCREEN Clinical Information: Technique: Standard T1, T2, T2 me2d, Diffusion/ADC and Flair Fat Sat axial images were acquired on a 1.5T scanner. T2 coronal and sagittal scans were performed. T1 mpRage sagittal images were acquired. GRE images were performed. T1 mpRage imaging was performed. Comparison: ___________ Findings: Intracranial: Extra-axial spaces:  normal Ventricular system:  […]

MRI Brain – Normal

NORMAL MRI BRAIN – Non-Contrast Clinical Information:   Technique: Multiplane T1, T2 and inversion recovery imaging was obtained. Susceptibility weighted imaging and DWI/ADC imaging was acquired. Findings: No intra or extra-axial mass lesion or collection is identified. The ventricles and sulcal spaces are within normal limits. The midline structures are normal with no midline shift. […]

CT Neck Vessels – Normal

NORMAL CT NECK VESSELS and CIRCLE OF WILLIS Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice post IV contrast helical CT images were obtained from the aortic arch to the vertex of the skull. Soft tissue and bone windows were reconstructed. Comparison: ___________ Findings: Vessels: The aortic arch has a normal appearance with conventional anatomy and no atheromatous […]

Ultrasound Carotid Doppers

NORMAL CAROTID DOPPLER ULTRASOUND Clinical Information: Comparison: ___________ Findings: The common carotids, internal and external carotids have a normal appearance. No evidence of plaque, stenosis or dilation is seen. No spectral broadening, acceleration or deceleration is seen. Right Neck Arteries ICA/CCA Ratio:  ____ Left Neck Arteries ICA/CCA Ratio: ____ Conclusion: Normal doppler ultrasound carotids. Copy […]

Normal CT Lumbar Spine

NORMAL CT LUMBAR SPINE Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice non-contrast helical CT images were obtained from T12 to the sacrum. Bone and soft tissue multiplanar reconstructions were performed. Findings: No fractures are identified in the lumbo-sacral spine. The vertebral bodies and discs are of normal height and there is no mal-alignment. The facet joints, spinous […]

Normal Plain Film Spine

PLAIN FILM THORACIC SPINE Clinical Information: Findings: No fractures or other bony abnormalities are identified in the thoracic spine. The vertebral bodies and discs are of normal height and there is no mal-alignment. The pedicles, transverse processes and spinous processes have a normal appearance. The visualised ribs are normal Copy to clipboard PLAIN FILM LUMBAR […]

Normal CT Head

NORMAL CT HEAD – Non-Contrast Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice non-contrast helical CT images were obtained from the skull base to the vertex. Brain and bone windows were reconstructed. Comparison: ________ Findings: No intra or extra-axial mass lesions or collections are identified. The ventricles and sulcal spaces are within normal limits and there is no […]