MRI Liver – Normal

MRI LIVER – Normal with Dotarem Clinical Information: Technique: Multiplane imaging was acquired through the upper abdomen. 3D T2 weighted imaging was acquired and MIP reconstructions of the biliary tree performed. Multiphase post-Dotarem imaging was acquired Comparison: ___________ Findings: The liver has a normal size and shape with normal signal on all sequences. No intra-hepatic […]


II ERCP – Normal Clinical Information: Stones? Findings: The existing biliary stent was removed. The CBD is cannulated and contrast introduced into a non-dilated biliary tree. There is normal tapering of the CBD with no evidence of calculi. Balloon trawling was performed. Please see theatre notes for details. Copy to clipboard

MRI Whole Spine – Normal

MRI WHOLE SPINE – Normal Clinical Information:   Technique: Sagittal T1, T2 and TIRM imaging was obtained through the entire spine, as well as axial T1 and T2 weighted imaging. Findings: The vertebral bodies and discs are of normal height with no malalignment. The marrow and disc signal is normal. The craniocervical junction is normal. […]

MRI Lumbar Spine – Normal

MRI LUMBAR SPINE – Normal Clinical Information: Technique: Sagittal T1, T2 and TIRM imaging was obtained through the lumbar spine, as well as axial T1 and T2 weighted imaging. Findings: The vertebral bodies and discs are of normal height with no malalignment. The marrow and disc signal is normal. The spinal canal is normal. The […]

Normal Abdominal Ultrasound

NORMAL ABDOMINAL ULTRASOUND Clinical Information: Comparison: ___________ Findings: The pancreas is well visualised and has a normal size, shape and echotexture, with no duct dilation. The liver is of normal size, shape and echotexture with no intrahepatic duct dilation or focal lesion seen. The portal vein measures ___ mm with normal flow. The gallbladder is […]


NORMAL MRCP Clinical Information: Technique: Multiplane T1 and T2 weighted imaging was acquired through the upper abdomen. In-phase and out-of-phase imaging was obtained, as well as T2 tse3d imaging. Comparison: ___________ Findings: The liver has a normal size, shape and signal on all sequences, with no intrahepatic duct dilation or focal lesion identified. The portal […]

II Intraoperative Cholangiogram

II INTRAOPERATIVE CHOLANGIOGRAM Clinical information: Stones? Findings: The cystic duct is cannulated and contrast introduced into a nondilated biliary tree.  There is normal tapering of the distal CBD and prompt spillover of contrast into the duodenum.  No filling defects are identified.  Please see theatre notes for details. Copy to clipboard

Plain Film Chest & Abdomen

NORMAL PLAIN FILM CHEST & ABDOMEN Clinical Information: Findings: Chest: The cardiomediastinal contour is within normal limits. The lungs and pleural spaces are clear. Abdomen: The bowel gas pattern is unremarkable with no dilation or air-fluid levels. No organomegaly, free gas or abnormal calcification is seen. Copy to clipboard

Normal CT Lumbar Spine

NORMAL CT LUMBAR SPINE Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice non-contrast helical CT images were obtained from T12 to the sacrum. Bone and soft tissue multiplanar reconstructions were performed. Findings: No fractures are identified in the lumbo-sacral spine. The vertebral bodies and discs are of normal height and there is no mal-alignment. The facet joints, spinous […]

Normal Plain Film Spine

PLAIN FILM THORACIC SPINE Clinical Information: Findings: No fractures or other bony abnormalities are identified in the thoracic spine. The vertebral bodies and discs are of normal height and there is no mal-alignment. The pedicles, transverse processes and spinous processes have a normal appearance. The visualised ribs are normal Copy to clipboard PLAIN FILM LUMBAR […]