CT Skull Base

CT PETROUS TEMPORAL BONES Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice non-contrast helical CT images were obtained through the skull base. Bone and soft tissue windows were reconstructed. Comparison: ___________ Findings: Right Side: No focal bony abnormality is identified in the skull base. The external auditory canal, middle ear, vestibular-cochlear apparatus and internal acoustic canal have a […]

MRI Whole Spine – Trauma Normal

MRI Whole Spine – Trauma Normal Clinical Information: MVA.  Technique: Sagittal T1, T2 and TIRM imaging was obtained through the entire spine, as well as axial T1 and T2 weighted imaging. Findings: The vertebral bodies and discs are of normal height with no malalignment. The marrow and disc signal is normal. The craniocervical junction is […]

MRI CN VII and VIII nerves – normal

MRI CN VII and VIII nerves – normal Clinical Information: MRI cerebellopontine angle; asymmetrical sensorineural hearing loss Technique: Multiplanar, multisequence MRI of the cerebellopontine angle was performed without and with IV contrast including high-resolution images through the course of both VII and VIII cranial nerves. Comparison: ___________ Findings: There is no focal brain parenchymal signal […]

CT Paranasal Sinuses

CT Paranasal Sinuses Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice non-contrast helical CT images were obtained through the paranasal sinuses. Bone and soft tissue windows were reconstructed. Comparison: ___________ Findings: The paranasal sinuses are clear, with no mucoperiosteal thickening, mucous retention cysts or air-fluid levels. The osteomeatal complexes have a normal appearance and no abnormal air cells […]

CT Facial Bones

CT Facial Bones – Trauma Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice non-contrast helical CT images were obtained through the facial bones. Soft tissue and bone windows were reconstructed. Comparison: ___________ Findings: No fractures or bony abnormalities are identified in the facial bones. The zygomatic arch is normal and there is no diastasis of the frontozygomatic suture. […]

MRI Brain – Paediatric

MRI BRAIN – PAEDIATRIC Clinical Information: Technique: Axial T1, T2, IR and GRE imaging was acquired. T2 sagittal and T2, IR and T1 IR coronal imaging was also obtained. T1 3D imaging was also acquired. Comparison: ___________ Findings: No intra or extra-axial mass lesion or collection is identified. The midline structures are normal with no […]

CT Head – Common minor abnormalities

CT HEAD – Minor small vessel ischaemic disease Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice non-contrast helical CT images were obtained from the skull base to the vertex. Brain and bone windows were reconstructed. Comparison: Findings: No intra or extra-axial mass lesions or collections are identified. The ventricles and sulcal spaces are within normal limits and there […]

Neonatal Ultrasound Head – Normal

NEONATAL ULTRASOUND HEAD – Normal Clinical Information: Findings: Normal intracranial anatomy is demonstrated. The sulcal/gyral pattern has a normal appearance for age and there is no midline shift. The midline structures are unremarkable. Normal parenchymal echogenicity is seen. The choroid and caudo-thalamic grooves have a normal appearance. The ventricles and sulcal spaces have a normal […]

MRI Brain – Dementia Screen

MRI DEMENTIA SCREEN Clinical Information: Technique: Standard T1, T2, T2 me2d, Diffusion/ADC and Flair Fat Sat axial images were acquired on a 1.5T scanner. T2 coronal and sagittal scans were performed. T1 mpRage sagittal images were acquired. GRE images were performed. T1 mpRage imaging was performed. Comparison: ___________ Findings: Intracranial: Extra-axial spaces:  normal Ventricular system:  […]

MRI Brain – Normal

NORMAL MRI BRAIN – Non-Contrast Clinical Information:   Technique: Multiplane T1, T2 and inversion recovery imaging was obtained. Susceptibility weighted imaging and DWI/ADC imaging was acquired. Findings: No intra or extra-axial mass lesion or collection is identified. The ventricles and sulcal spaces are within normal limits. The midline structures are normal with no midline shift. […]